“Learning English” is a keyword that a lot of internet browsers click when they search for information in the internet. The reason is very simple: English is the most used international language. People usually think that they can learn English only at schools or English courses. In those activities they need teachers to supervise, guide and criticise. The result is sometimes unsatisfactory. That is why some English learners start to ask a question if there is another way to learn English effectively. Here we provide you with some information on how to learn English effectively without teachers.
There are some reasons why English is so important that many people want to master it.
First, it is not a secret anymore that English is badly needed in our life. If you want to take part in global businesses, you have to communicate in English with your business partner, either orally or in written. Emails, proposals, reports and other journals are commonly written in English. Even in local business activities you are often required to borrow English words which have been used globally such as auditing, import, export, product, advertisement, etc.
Second, if you want to continue to higher education, you will be required to master a lot of subjects which are written in English. It is true that there are a lot of books which are written in your local languages. Still, mastering English will give you more advantages as a lot of journals, science books and reports are intentionally written in English so that more people around the world will understand them.
Third, in the world of jobs, English has been an "everyday meal". When you apply for a job, have an interview, start your job, and do your jobs, you are expected to speak English. Most people do not feel ready to do that.
Fourth, mastering English can be a means to conquer the world. Look around you: computer, internet, commercials, news, infotainment, and others...most of them are written in English.
How non-English-speaking people use English nowadays?
Many non-English-speaking people have been silent when they are invited to speak English. They are shy, afraid of being mocked, unable to produce any words as they do not master vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, etc. Shy feeling and fear come from their negative environment. Perhaps the neighbours or people around them are people who have negative attitude towards people who want to learn and master English. It is familiar for them to laugh at others although they do not want to be laughed at. They never admit that they deserve being laughed at... because they never want to learn.
In certain circumstances, some people sometimes do not know what to say as in their culture they are not accustomed to speak in front of a lot of people. In certain culture, young people are not accustomed to express their opinion in front of their parents and teachers. What they have to do is just listening. You can find the example in Indonesia or other developing countries in 1990s when a teacher would be very angry if a student asked silly questions or argue the teacher's statements. Students would be considered as impolite, rude and indecent. For years such students have been under this circumstance and that makes them stressed, passive and afraid. Even when you know what to say, you will find it difficult to say it because you do not master the vocabulary, you are afraid of mispronouncing the words, etc. In short, you are afraid of making mistakes.
How Some non-English Natives Master English?
Some people are more courageous than others. They realise that they are not much different from others. Still, there is one thing that makes them different: They are courageous to make mistakes. They are not afraid of being laughed at. They consider their mistakes as a process to be able to master English. One thing can be concluded here: DO NOT BE AFRAID OF MAKING MISTAKES!
It is said that there are some signs of people who have mastered English: The first indication is when someone could dream in English. The second is when someone can express his anger in front of the public in fluent English. The third indication is when someone can express his sadness in good English.
Why should be those three indications? It is because the activities have touched and planted deeply in your sub consciousness. In other words, if you have those signs, your English has been internalised in you... English has been yours.
Learning English Ideally
Ideally you have to use English every day and get involved intensively in the culture of English users. Living in a country where all its people speak English every day is the most ideal. You get along with the local people, you live the way they live. You will master the new language quickly if you meet and talk to the speakers of the new language every day and intensively. At first, it must be difficult, but later you will find it easier. Later you will get surprised that you can speak English like the way the English, Australian or American people speak.
The use of English in your daily life must be done continuously so that English really belongs to you; you can use it without thinking about it over and over. The words and phrases and sentences will come out spontaneously from your mind and mouth without any handicaps.
Effective Technique When the Ideal Way of Learning is not Effective Anymore
It seems very difficult to be ideal to learn English. You still live in a country where most people do not understand English. Or you live among them but you don't have a friend to talk to. Even your friends who can speak English do not want to speak to you. When you start to use phrases in English, people around you start to look at you with a strange look...
If you find difficulty to learn and master English, you will need a powerful technique to do it. There is always an effective way to cope with your handicaps. We got this technique from experiences. The technique is called Talk to Yourself Technique.
Wait, don't think wildly about "talking to yourself". I do not suggest you walk around while murmuring, smiling, dancing.... No. I do not want you to be CRAZY.
So, what is this new technique? Talking to Yourself here means: You have to make yourself busy with English every day so that English will be part of your life, be something spontaneous, something which comes out fluently fro your heart, mind, and mouth.
The Benefit of Applying the Technique
First of all I have to say that this technique is like formula milk for a baby who cannot enjoy its mother's milk exclusively for several reasons. Practising English in the real world is still the best... just like the mother's milk is the best food for a baby. However, if the real practice in real world cannot be done, use this technique... just like a baby who drinks formula milk because it cannot get its mother's milk. There is a lot of formula milk which claim to be the best. The technique I share with you here is also the best for me as a lot of people and I have used it. In the end, the result will tell you whose technique is the best and should be used.
There are some advantages you will get if you use this technique. First, you do not need negative friends because you will work and practise on your own. Second, you will not need to be afraid of being laughed at because they find no reasons to laugh at you. Third, you will not need to be afraid of making mistakes. Fourth, you will be free to express yourself as you are the master of time, schedule, space and opportunity to study. Fifth, you will not spend too much money besides reading this blog.
Some Requirements
Reading this blog until you finish it will not make you able to speak English fluently. There are some requirements you have to meet. To be able to apply the techniques I have prepared, I assume that you are in the follow situations:
Firstly, you really want to communicate in English. Secondly, you can read Latin characters and have ever studied English in secondary school/junior and senior high school or higher education. Thirdly, you really do not have a positive friend you can ask to practise English with you. Fourthly, you can spare about 30 minutes every day to practise English for about 4 months. Fifthly, you own a simple Indonesia-English or English-Indonesian dictionary. Sixthly, you are willing to do some assignments which I suggest in the other parts of this blog.
Basic Principles
The basic principle of these all exercises is repetition and internalisation of words, phrases, clauses, sentences, idiomatic expressions, and opinions. Slowly but surely you will be familiarised with planting all those things in your mental and memory.. in such a way that all those things will be yours... recorded in your mind and can be called out anytime you need them. Yes... the goal of our technique is you can express your ideas and opinions spontaneously, fluently and correctly. All those things can be achieved if you are willing to repeat the various exercises and plant them in you mind and heart. Repetition and internalisation are two keywords for your study success.
To be continued >>>