Wednesday 26 September 2012

United Tractors School English Training Programme for Batch XVIII

INDEPENDENT English Course Bogor is organising an English Training Programme for students of Batch XVIII of United Tractors School in Jakarta. 

The programme lasts from 24 September to 24 October 2012. Like the previous programmes, this time the programme is attended by 64 students who are distributed in 4 groups or classes. For one month the students, who are mostly between 19 and 22 years old, study and practise a lot to use English fluently and correctly. 

For this batch, INDEPENDENT sends Ms Siti Wastunnahari as the coordinator of the training programme; she is accompanied and supported by our group of teachers including Mr Wawan Ridwan, Ms Sari (a new teacher from Cilacap-Central Java), Ms Ramadhani Nuryunawati and Ms Anike Nurlaila. 

We hope that the programme will be successful.