Contributed by Ms Ramadhani*
The development of transportation and technology has pushed the world into globalization. For example, TV programs convey the information from all over the world. It not only affects to the people’s life styles but also the education world.
The development of transportation and technology has pushed the world into globalization. For example, TV programs convey the information from all over the world. It not only affects to the people’s life styles but also the education world.
In this globalization world, the best human resources are needed. The best human resources are produced by the best quality of teaching process. To improve the human resources, high quality teachers are needed too. English teachers have got roles to improve the education world through the best teaching process. That’s why the teachers have to improve their competences.
How to improve the English teachers’ competences?
Here are some ways for English teachers to improve their competences:
The more information you get, the better you are. Technology is the easiest way to get the information. You can search in internet to get the variety of information.
Attend the academic workshops and seminars. You need to improve your competence through academic workshops and seminars. Just take an academic workshop or seminar in your spare time.
Read more and more. You have to read a lot. Read from magazines, books, and newspaper. Do you like politics or sports? If you don’t like politics or sports, it doesn’t mean that all the reading materials are not interesting. Basically all the kinds of reading materials will help you to improve your knowledge. The multi topics are sometimes used in your class. You sometimes will come up with the politic problems to argue; e.g pro and contra about pornography law and issue will be a good topic to talk about in your class. Sports will be a good topic for the students to make an essay; e.g. the students retell the football match.
Watch and listen a lot. You can learn English from films and songs. You can watch a film with a pen in your hand. Take notes about interesting sentences or utterances. Find the meaning of the sentences and utterances, read and memorize them.
Share with your friends. You can share and exchange some teaching tips.
Use English in your daily activity.
Make a new best friend: DICTIONARY. A dictionary will help you to improve your English skills.
Don’t stop to learn new things.
Hopefully these tips will help you to improve your competence.
Good luck!!
*Ms Ramadhani is one of Independent’s teaching staff
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