Thursday 2 July 2015

Choose your Best English Course in Bogor

English training and English courses grow fast in Bogor West Java. There are more than 25 registered English training institutions now and more than 50 unregistered English courses in this small town. Most courses have many students. The fenomenon shows that Bogor people are interested in English training; many people want to improve their skills and competence. Some people, however, still have a questions in their mind: which one, of all English courses in Bogor, is the most suitable or the best for them.

Some courses claim that they are the best English courses in town, but there are some students who leave them easily because they think that those courses cannot help them improve their skills. Some other students first think that certain English courses do have quality but they are amazed to see the facts that those small course have many students and they are satisfied with their teachers and English course materials. So, what kind of English course is the most suitable for someone?

There must always be understanding that the success of a student in learning a foreign language does not depend merely on the teachers or the institutions. It also depends on how the students try hard to practise English in their daily life. The English course might be the largest and the most famous English course in town, but if the students do not practise English outside the lessons, they cannot be successful. On the other hand, some students who wish to practise English but they are not supported by the English institutions or their teachers will not make any progress in their life. Here we can conclude that there must be a cooperation between the English tranining centres and their students.

INDEPENDENT English Course in Bogor always tries to help students improve their English skills by encouraging student to practise not only during the lessons but also in their daily activities. It is not always easy to encourage the students but it is something that the students cannot deny. Practice make perfect. So, if students do not want to practise, they cannot speak, write, listen and read English well.

If you live in Bogor and you want to study English privately with us, please do not hesitate to contact us by email to

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